Before deciding to remove a tree, it’s always best to have an ISA Certified Arborist on site to give you a professional opinion about its safe removal. In some cases, it might be possible to preserve the tree. By performing a risk assessment, the ISA Certified Arborist can recommend options to mitigate tree hazards such as weight reductions, cabling/bracing, and IPM strategies to reduce pests. There are times when a tree should be removed, that’s why it is important to obtain a professional opinion from an experienced ISA Certified Arborist. At Beautiful Trees Inc., our consulting and managing arborists are ISA Certified and have ample experience in the industry.

Why You Shouldn't Wait To Remove Trees

Broken LimbA dead or diseased tree poses a hazard to the property and persons because its structure will eventually fail. It is best to have dead/diseased trees removed by an experienced arborist to avoid damage to the property or persons. It is best to remove the tree as soon as it dies are becomes completely infested with a disease or pests. Delaying the removal of a dead or dying tree may result in a higher cost to the removal service because the advanced decay. The loss in structural strength means that it may not be safe for a climbing arborist to ascend the tree to remove it. Large, structurally weakened trees will require more specialized, large equipment (bucket truck, spider lift, crane). If the structurally weakened tree is not accessible by equipment and is not safe to climb, it may need to be felled in one piece which can negatively impact other trees, buildings, fences and adjacent properties. Left too long, dead trees can become a significant hazard for the arborist crew, the equipment and the property. The best practice is to be proactive by inspecting and managing potentially hazardous trees as soon as possible.

Health of the Tree

As trees mature, they can become more susceptible to decay and disease. Pathogens can significantly reduce the tree’s structural integrity and ability to support itself. When a tree can no longer support the weight of its branches, an experienced arborist will be able to detect longitudinal cracks and splits in the stems or large branches. These are early warning signs of potential loss in structural strength that often to lead to breakage during storm events. Fungal fruiting bodies (mushrooms) growing out of the tree stem or limbs may be a sign that there is fungal decay occurring inside the tree, a potential weak area in the tree. Young trees have a greater potential to heal from wounds and infections as they are in the rapid growth phase of their life. Mature trees are in more of a maintenance phase of their life and are much slower at responding to injury and infection, resulting in a greater potential for disease and decay. Not all mature trees that are exhibiting signs of decay are an immediate hazard. Contact Beautiful Trees Inc. to have one of our experienced arborists assess your trees and recommend an action plan to manage the mature trees on your property.

It can help other nearby Trees

Tree FellingSuccession planning is an important piece of maintaining a thriving urban landscape. Landscaped areas may become overcrowded as plants grow larger over time. By selectively removing the trees that are struggling with health issues and replanting with more suitable species, we can help you maintain a beautiful landscape for future generations to enjoy. Waiting 5 to 10 years to remove and replace an unhealthy tree means that a new tree is missing out on 5 to 10 years of growth. It is amazing how quickly a new tree can become established and grow if it is carefully selected, planted correctly and given some care in the first few years of establishment.


After a severe weather event has moved through an area, we will often see damage to trees including large broken limbs, broken tops or in some cases, trees that have been completely uprooted. There are times when the damage sustained by the tree is too great, making it a hazardous tree that will never fulfill its full potential. When a tree sustains a large wound, such as a tear from the break of a large branch, the wound is unlikely to be able to heal properly and can become a gateway to decay. In these cases, removal may be the best option. For more information on tree removals, please see tree removal, mushrooms on my tree, storm damage, dead trees, tree hazards and tree inspection.

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Call us today to book your free on-site estimate for all your tree removal needs from the pros at Beautiful Trees.

The Reasons We Remove Trees

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Contact Us Today for Quality, Professional, and Experienced Tree care. Where you and your green space are our number one priority.

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