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Tree Permits and Arborist Reports Explained

Tree permits and arborist reports are essential for compliance with local laws and by-laws as well as the continued health of our green spaces. Read about why and when they are needed as well as how to contact us for all of your tree permit and arborist report needs.

Tree Permits

A tree permit is a written authorization from the town or city that allows a person to perform activities on and around a protected tree.

Common actions that may require a tree permit include, but are not limited to:

  • Removing (cutting down) tree(s) on your property

  • Pruning more than 25% of a protected trees canopy on your property (Permit to Injure)

  • Pruning or Removing City-owned tree(s) on City property

  • Excavating within the root zone (the Tree Protection Zone) of a protected tree

  • Operating construction equipment & vehicles within the root zone (Tree Protection Zone) of a protected tree

Not all trees are protected and not all municipalities protect trees. Depending on where you live and what your objectives are for the trees and for the property, a tree permit may be required by your town or city. Contact your local region or municipality to find out how trees are protected in and around your property.

Filling out Papers for Tree Permit

For many municipalities in densely populated areas, a tree removal permit is often required any time the property owner wishes to remove a tree on their property. However, there are areas in southern Ontario that do not require a permit to remove. In many areas, an Arborist Report must accompany the tree permit application. An Arborist Report is an assessment of the tree and recommendations regarding its removal or preservation. Arborist Reports must be completed by an ISA Certified Arborist and quote their Certification number and credentials in order to be accepted. Our team of ISA Certified Arborists are fully qualified to complete Arborist Reports, Tree Protection Plans, Tree Permit Applications and Tree Inventories to meet all of your needs.

Arborist Reports

Arborist Reports and Tree Protection Plans are required to inventory, assess and make decisions and recommendations regarding the protection or removal of any trees on or around construction and development project sites. In many cities and towns, all trees within 6 meters of the construction zone must be inventoried and assessed. Arborist Reports and Tree Protection Plans are required for residential construction and renovation projects, deck or hardscaping installations, pool and septic tank construction projects in most areas of Southern Ontario.

CONTACT US to provide you with a free estimate for tree work and any tree permit, arborist report, tree protection plan or tree inventory needs for your property.

Contact Us Today

Call us today to book your free on-site estimate to for all your Arborist Report and Tree Permit needs.

Tree Permits and Arborist Reports Explained

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Contact Us Today for Quality, Professional, and Experienced Tree care. Where you and your green space are our number one priority.

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