Emergency Tree Services When you Need Them

Emergency Tree Service

The need for emergency tree care can arise in many situations. Some of the most common reasons include weather events (wind, ice, snow, heavy rain etc.), collisions with equipment or vehicles, floods and excessive excavation around root systems. Once a tree is excessively damaged, whether it has started to fail or has failed and caused damage, it is important to reduce the risk of any further damage.

Tree Pruning Best Practices

Pruning From The Ground

Tree pruning is an integral part of tree care both for health and maintenance. When trees are left unmanaged, they can develop poor structure, resulting in less overall strength and resilience to wind and weather events.

The Benefits of Deep Root Fertilizing

Pine Tree Needles

Urban soils are often compacted and lack the proper air spaces for root growth. Urban soils are usually low in nutrients and may not support the elemental needs of our landscape plants. At Beautiful Trees, we recommend Deep Root Fertilizing for optimal health and growth of your trees. Deep Root Fertilizing involves the precise injection of suspended nutrients in water under pressure.

The Importance of Regular Tree Inspections

Fall Trees

To help keep the trees around your home and yard healthy, happy, and safe, it is important to have regular, bi-annual tree inspections from an experienced ISA Certified Arborist. It is important that you choose an ISA Certified Arborist.