Why are my Evergreens browning on the Southwest Side?

Did you know that the sudden appearance of brown foliage on evergreen trees and shrubs that we see in March and April is often a result of winter desiccation? Every spring we get calls from property owners wondering why their cedars, spruces, yews, junipers and boxwoods are suddenly showing signs of browning foliage in March and April. Here is a brief explanation of the problem, and some practical ways to prevent your evergreens from desiccating this winter.
Yellow & Black Spots on Your Norway Maple Leaves?

Have you been noticing large spots on your Norway maple leaves this summer and are concerned that they could be a serious issue? Here’s an easy-to-understand review of what the culprit is, and what it means for your beautiful trees.
Watering Your New Beautiful Trees and Shrubs

Hot and windy weather can be very stressful for newly installed beautiful trees and shrubs. Newly planted trees and shrubs require more water because they have such a small root system. The root system is actually a very important source of both absorbed and stored water for the plant. Roots need to absorb enough water from the soil to support the plant daily, and much of a young plant’s needed nutrition comes in as dissolved nutrients within that soil water.
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is an aphid-like insect that attacks and kills hemlock trees. Its egg sacs, which look like cotton balls or clumps of snow, can be found at the base of needles. It can be spread by wind, animals and human movement of nursery stock, logs, firewood and other wood products.
Spongy Moth (LDD Moth) and Your Beautiful Trees

All of us can remember the severe outbreak of Spongy moth larvae in 2021, they were literally everywhere, hanging off trees and crawling up the sides of our homes. We’ve had Spongy moth in southern Ontario since 1969, what happened to cause such an unusual spike in the population?
Prevention and Treatment of Oak Wilt

Oak Wilt is a serious disease that can have devastating effects on oak populations. However, with regular inspections and proper management, it is possible to protect our valuable oak resources.
Box Tree Moth – A New Defoliator of Boxwood

Box tree moth is an invasive species that causes defoliation of boxwood, webbing leaves together and dropping massive amounts of excrement.
Tree Permits and Arborist Reports Explained

Tree Permits and Arborist Reports Explained Contact us Tree permits and arborist reports are essential for compliance with local laws and by-laws as well as
Tree & Shrub Health for Spring 2023

As you watch the snow melting and receding from lawns and gardens, you may be wondering what spring 2023 has in store for tree and shrub health this year. At Green Bird Horticultural and Beautiful Trees, our highly skilled horticulturalists and arborists have been working in the landscape all winter and are excited to have a front row seat to watch the awakening of nature’s most anticipated show.
Emergency Tree Services When you Need Them

The need for emergency tree care can arise in many situations. Some of the most common reasons include weather events (wind, ice, snow, heavy rain etc.), collisions with equipment or vehicles, floods and excessive excavation around root systems. Once a tree is excessively damaged, whether it has started to fail or has failed and caused damage, it is important to reduce the risk of any further damage.