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The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi

Play Video about The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi

The Hidden Kingdom

The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi is one of the least familiar groups of organisms, yet scientists are uncovering more and more evidence that these microorganisms are essential in supporting all life on earth, including us. Fungal organisms are intricately woven into plant life, literally inside and out. Fungi play important roles in plant growth and are formidable allies in plant resilience.

Fungi have been credited with supporting all terrestrial life on earth, playing a pivotal role in the evolution of plants from water to land.  They have been used as antibiotics & probiotics, as enzymes and soldiers of remediation, filtration and fabrication, yet less than 10% have been described.  For thousands of years, indigenous people have used fungi as an ally in community healing, a practice that is starting to take a foothold here in Canada and neighbouring United States. 

When in balance, the plant (and human) microbiome can support great health, growth and resiliency.  Fungi improve immunity against pathogens and predatory Insects in living plants while providing decomposition and recycling services when plants die.   

Fungi form intimate partnerships with plant roots and create extensive underground fungal networks that link all plants together in the community, a network that has been termed the “Wood-Wide-Web”.  These fungal networks transport carbon, water, nutrients, and chemical messages between plants and are thought to be an integral part of an ecosystem resiliency. 

This down to earth presentation will increase your awareness about the supportive role that fungi play in landscape plants and some steps we can take to reciprocate.  

We are deeply grateful to the incredible researchers and advocates raising awareness about the pivotal role that Fungi play in supporting all life on earth, including Paul Stamets, Suzanne Simard, Keith Seifert, Merlin Sheldrake and Louis Schwartzberg. 

This presentation was recorded at the International Society of Arboriculture Ontario Chapter Conference in February, 2024.

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The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi

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